What we do ?
Beautiful handmade fans, one by one, with love, pride and passion. We use raw recycled die casted aluminum coming from different old objects, even our packaging is natural, we use cardboard which is covered by jute fabric.
ventilatori roma design marcos
Why we do it ? We love what we do. We really do. We believe this is the best way to feel comfortable all year long, winter and summer, avoiding air conditioning and respecting the planet. Making beautiful ceiling fans is our passion, our family factory has been making fans for three generations, we have acquired over time an unbeatable expertise in the design of a ceiling fan.
How to order ? Visit our website then send us an email :- Product references – Quantity – Delivery address We’ll come back to you under 24 hours.
Where do we ship ? All over the WORLD !

Un ricco assortimento di ventilatori da utilizzare nelle giornate più calde per rinfrescare ogni ambiente della casa. Realizzati con materiali leggeri e di alta qualità, i ventilatori che trovi in questa sezione sono dotati di pale ad alta velocità e di strutture compatte, per ottenere il refrigerio desiderato senza occupare troppo spazio.

Potrai scegliere uno dei modelli di design per un effetto rinfrescante unico: grazie inoltre al controllo della Marcos avrai tutta l’efficacia per purificare l’aria da particelle inquinanti.

Dal design unico e originale, i ventilatori del catalogo si trasformano in un elemento di design che aggiunge personalità al tuo arredo.


  • Cindy Jefferson
    Posted May 28, 2018 9:13 am 0Likes

    That turned out really cool. I think I’ll have to try that one. Thanks

    • Mike Newton
      Posted May 28, 2018 9:14 am 0Likes

      Love this wonderful idea!! Thanks for sharing!

  • Adam Brown
    Posted May 28, 2018 9:15 am 0Likes

    What a nice article. It keeps me reading more and more!

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